Refralia has participated until 2021 in the LIFE5Refract project, funded by the EU. The results of the project are transferred and applied in different industrial processes.
The project is developed in the extension of the “5R” paradigm (reduce-reuse-remanufacture-recycle-recycle-reuse), focusing on refractory waste generated in the production processes of Sidenor (Basauri, Spain). The objective of REFRALIA is framed in the use of silico-aluminous waste (once recovered, classified and treated), through its introduction in different refractory products, for its use in different applications of the processes of Sidenor and other steel companies; extending also to other applications in other industrial sectors: clinker production, incineration, ferrous and non-ferrous foundries, ceramics, …..
The consumption of recycled materials is becoming increasingly necessary in today’s industrial world, under the parameters of respect and care for the environment and energy saving. The sustainable use of natural resources, the reduction of useless waste, the minimization of polluting discharges and emissions and energy efficiency are aspects that must be taken into account and mark new strategies in industrial processes. This is the circular economy in the industrial sector.